
Call for entries for the Literary Work Contribution 2023: Submission deadline extended!

The submission deadline for the 2023 contribution to works has been extended to May 8, 2023. The dossiers received so far remain valid and have not yet been processed.

The city of Chur annually announces a literary contribution in the amount of CHF 10,000. The contribution is intended for the financial support of authors, translators, composers and scriptwriters.

Since this year, in comparison to previous years, very few applications have been received, the Cultural Commission has decided to extend the submission deadline for the work contribution 2023 until May 8, 2023. The dossiers received so far remain valid and have not yet been processed. They will be carefully evaluated in May, together with any additional dossiers submitted.

You would like to submit an application?

The dossier with a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae and a project description (content/conceptual description of the project, synopsis, summary of content, timetable) must be submitted by May 8. May 2023 (date of postmark) to the Cultural Office of the City of Chur, Poststrasse 35, 7000 Chur, or send it by e-mail to

The decision will be announced by the end of June 2023 at the latest.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Chur Kultur


Stadt Chur
Helena Mettler
Leiterin Kulturfachstelle
7000 Chur
081 254 44 10


  • Literature

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