Art & design

Exhibition Zodiak by HR Giger

In September, the Giger year really picks up speed once again: On September 12, the city of Chur opens another exhibition on HR Giger in the Stadtgalerie. This
This exhibition deals with his designs for the Zodiac Fountain. Almost simultaneously, the exhibition "HR Giger - the Chur Years" opens at the Bündner Kunstmuseum on September 13.

Three and a half months ago, the city of Chur and the Bündner Kunstmuseum launched the Giger Year in Chur to honor the artist who died ten years ago. The exhibition "HR Giger and the City of Chur" presented in this context in the city gallery was visited by over 8,000 art enthusiasts from May 16 to August 11. City Councillor Patrik Degiacomi is delighted with the interest shown in the exhibition:

"The great interest in our exhibition is testament to the topicality and charisma of his works, which always have references to his home town."

After a short break, the exhibition "Zodiak" opens on Thursday, September 12, also in the Stadtgalerie. Inspired by the Martinsbrunnen fountain in Chur, Giger designed the Zodiak fountain in 1996, which was to be erected in Chur but has never been realized to date. A situation that the private association Pro HR Giger would like to rectify. Together with the city of Chur, the Pro HR Giger association is organizing the "Zodiak" exhibition, which can be seen from 13 to 29 September. On display are original sketches and designs as well as the 12 Zodiak figures. This will allow the "Zodiac Fountain" project to be presented to the general public.

To accompany the exhibitions, Chur Tourism is offering a unique afternoon in the magical world of HR Giger on September 14 with the HR Giger Package. Participants can look forward to an exciting guided tour of Giger's childhood and youth in Chur, an aperitif in the iconic atmosphere of the Giger Bar and an exclusive film screening of "Dark Star". The package is available until September 9 at

The Giger year in Chur:

  • Thursday, September 12, 2024, at the Stadtgalerie Chur: vernissage of the exhibition "Zodiak". Exhibition until September 29, 2024.
  • Friday, September 13, 2024, at the Bündner Kunstmuseum: Opening of the exhibition "HR Giger - the Chur Years". Exhibition until November 24, 2024.
  • Saturday, September 14, 2024, HR Giger Package - Tour through Chur(via Chur Tourism)

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Chur Kultur


Stadt Chur
Poststrasse 35
7000 Chur


  • Art & design

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