This & That

Scholarship for guest studio in Belgrade (application deadline extended!)

In addition to the studios in Cairo, Genoa and Buenos Aires, the city of Chur is for the first time awarding a scholarship for a studio stay in Belgrade. From now on, cultural workers from Chur can apply for the working stay from December 2022 to March 2023.

Foreign studios for cultural workers
The Cities Conference on Culture (SKK), of which the city of Chur is a member, is running a new guest studio in the Serbian capital Belgrade in collaboration with the association "Atelier Belgrad". From December 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023, the studio is reserved for the first time for cultural workers from Chur or with a close connection to the city of Chur. The studio rent is financed by the SKK and the city of Chur. In addition, there is a scholarship of a total of 6,000 Swiss francs in the allocation of the studio space, in which the SKK participates with 2,000 Swiss francs and the city of Chur with 4,000 Swiss francs. The SKK cooperates with the association "Atelier Belgrad" regarding the Belgrade studio. This association provides contact persons who take care of the transfer of the apartment and are available to the artists, for example, when dealing with the authorities. The local contact persons also establish contacts with the Belgrade art and culture scene and provide information about cultural events. Other local partners include the Swiss Embassy.

International cultural exchange
Belgrade is characterized by a dynamic and diverse culture, is seen internationally as the new Berlin and has developed in recent years into an insider's tip for cultural professionals. Serbia's most important artists work in the capital. A variety of international personalities from the art world also make guest appearances here. Today, in the many cultural centers, exhibitions and galleries, at concerts, in the countless bars and clubs or at various cultural events, one increasingly encounters a mixed, local and international audience. The aim of the studio awards is also to promote professional cultural work and cultural exchange between Switzerland and the host country. The foreign studios not only give creative artists the opportunity to concentrate fully on their work, they can also further develop their work in an inspiring environment and gain new impulses.

The application form can be downloaded here.Applications must be submitted in writing to the Cultural Office no later than June 12, 2022. Theapplication deadline has been extended to August 15, 2022. In addition to the completed application form, they must include a letter of application, a brief documented curriculum vitae, a description of the artistic project, and an assurance that the studio will be permanently and solely occupied during the specified period. Only complete applications will be processed. The City's Cultural Commission will review the applications. The decision will be made at the end of August.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Chur Kultur


Stadt Chur
Helena Mettler
Leiterin Kulturfachstelle
7000 Chur
081 254 44 10


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