Portal Chur Culture



Information about the ChurCard

The ChurCard of the city of Chur.

The ChurCard is your personal local resident card. All persons who have their legal residence in Chur receive it. With the ChurCard you benefit from a reduced rate with municipal as well as external service providers. In order to further increase the attractiveness of the ChurCard, an ongoing expansion of the service catalogue as well as campaigns are planned.

Further information:www.chur.ch/churcard

The guest card of Chur Tourism.
As an overnight hotel guest in Chur who is liable to pay tourist tax, you can enjoy numerous advantages with the guest card from just one overnight stay.With the guest card you benefit from various included services and attractive discounts during your stay.

Further information:www.chur.graubuenden.ch/de/angebot/gaestekarte-chur

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.